How to take beautiful pictures of your kids on your phone in 3 easy steps

How to take beautiful pictures of your kids on your phone in 3 easy steps

I am definitely one of those moms who has hundreds of pictures of my son on my phone. Until I started implementing the three steps you are about to read, I had a phone full of mediocre pictures. But, once I started to implement these steps I have a phone full of amazing pictures of my son. Do you ask yourself how can I take amazing pictures of my kids? Well, you have come to the right place! Keep reading to hear my 3 steps to amazing pictures of your kids.

First: Get on their level!

People typically take pictures of their children from the standing position but if you get down to your children’s eye level it makes such a difference! When you take pictures at your children’s eye level instead of your own it gives the photograph a more personal feeling and shows more of the emotion from that moment in time. You are seeing at their level, these pictures will capture moments that you will cherish forever


                   Before                                                                                          After


Second: Lighting, lighting, lighting.

Lighting is one of the best tricks any photographer has and it is also one that can be counter-intuitive. When trying to take pictures outdoors logically it would seem like you would want a bright sunny day with no clouds and the sun shining on your faces. When really you want open shade if you can find it. By that I mean overcast (if possible) because then there aren’t any harsh shadows, squinting eyes, or washing out. If you are trying to photograph on a day when it isn’t overcast. Don’t worry, you can still take beautiful pictures! Look for a spot with a different type of open shade. And, by that, I mean the shadow of a large tree or building, where you will have diffused light.

Are you taking pictures in an open field on a bright sunny day? Still, don’t worry you can get beautiful pictures! The first way to get amazing open/direct light pictures is to take them at the right time of day. There is something called the golden hour and if you can control the time of day when you take the pictures take them during the golden hour (within an hour of sunset). The light is a beautiful golden color and it makes such magical pictures.

And finally, if you have worst case scenario, midday, not a cloud in the sky, AND no shade to be found. Not to worry! My best tip for this scenario is keeping the sun to your kids back. If you are someone that likes artistic sun-flares in pictures then try to keep the sun slightly peeking out from your child’s head or shoulders. If you don’t like sun-flares then try to keep the sun hidden completely. Below are two examples of the worst-case scenario for lighting where you can still capture great pictures. Keep the sun to your child’s back (or at the very least not shining directly on to their face)


     Super sunny day at the park                                    Super sunny day swimming in Florida

Third: Don’t Over Pose!

Don’t you just hate when your pictures look totally stiff and unnatural? That’s because the “posing” is not how your kids/family would naturally stand or interact. When I take pictures I try to get as un-posed of a picture as I can. If someone is laughing in a picture or someone is looking at someone else or the children’s clothes aren’t perfect that’s okay! These imperfections create some of the most natural and beautiful looking candid pictures. You want to capture your children and family’s personality. So if you have a child that is full of energy and loves to be moving take pictures with motion. If you have a child that cries all the time take pictures of them crying. You don’t want 40,000 pictures of your children standing in a line, smiling at the camera, in perfect positions and pristine clothes do you? You will love looking back at the pictures that show the true nature of your children.

I hope my three steps will help you take the pictures you’ve always wanted to take and answer your question about how to take amazing pictures of your kids!





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