Virtual Activities for Kids

With social distancing and now shelter in pace orders being implementing where I live, it is time to get creative with activities for kids. One good thing coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic is everyone is sharing online resources to help kids learn from home. I had no idea half of these virtual activities for kids even existed before last week! Here my top 12 favorite virtual activities for my son.
Don’t have time to read this list now? That’s ok, pin it for later! Also, check out my list of indoor activities for toddlers!
Virtual Zoo & Aquarium Field Trips
- Dive into the Shedd Aquarium’s, Caribbean Reef! (see video above)
- You can visit the San Diego Zoo and see the adorable penguins, fierce tigers and more!
- Check out the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and see the naked molerats, pandas and more!
Visit National Parks

- See the beauty of Kenai Fjords Glacier Park in Alaska virtually!
- Visit a Hawaiian volcano virtually!
- Check out the beautiful Dry Tortuga’s National Park in Florida virtually!
Art Lessons
- Doodle with Mo Willems (author of Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus and more!)
- Doodle and hear a story from author Debbie Ridpath Ohi
- Teach your 2-year-old to draw a person with this free art lesson!
Bedtime story with someone famous

- Listen to a story read by actor Josh Gad who voices Olaf from Frozen!
- Hear a bedtime story from an astronaut with Story Time from Space!
- You can even hear a story read by Oprah!
We are all alone together! So, let’s keep sharing all of these virtual activities so we can help continue our children’s education from home.