My 8 Favorite Must Have Pictures of My Son Before He Turns One

My 8 Favorite Must Have Pictures of My Son Before He Turns One

My son is about to turn one and I can’t believe it! This year has gone by in the blink of an eye. Having pictures to look back on this whirlwind year is priceless to me. I can barely remember what happened yesterday let alone 12 months ago. These baby pictures will help me remember every precious memory from my first year with my son.

Bump Pictures

For some moms taking pictures of your baby bump can feel weird because maybe you don’t feel as attractive as you normally do, or they feel self-conscious about their growing size. While other moms embrace every aspect of pregnancy and bask in the feeling of their growing belly and swollen ankles. Whichever mom you are I hope you document your baby bump. I cherish these pictures so much. I love seeing how big my stomach grew over time. I didn’t post very many on my social media accounts but I love having them!

Pregnancy Announcement

There are so many ideas you can find for creative pregnancy announcements. From you pet announcing it to your first child being evicted from their crib to full on photoshoots. How ever you decide to announce your pregnancy have it represent your family’s personality.


Baby’s First Day of Life


After countless hours of labor and getting all sorts of sweaty is not my idea of a good photoshoot opportunity. But, there is something so special about getting a picture with your baby on their very first day of life (well life outside their mom anyway). And, once you have given birth how you look doesn’t even occur to you, you are just so happy.


This sort of goes along with the bump pictures but also after they are born. Take a picture of your bump and take a compare picture of your baby after they are born. This picture shows two weeks before and two weeks after my son was born and it is definitely one of my favorite pictures. (Bonus: Keep doing the same pose every month or every few months so you can see how your little one is growing like a weed!)


Monthly Pictures

I love taking monthly pictures of my son. We do a full on photoshoot every month and we have a bear that holds the sticker for how many months old my son is and it is so fun seeing how tiny he was month 1 to how big he is now. It shows how he is learning different skills like rolling, sitting, crawling, walking, and so on. The first few months the pictures were so easy because he couldn’t run away. Now, that he is almost walking it takes a bit longer but I love the action shots I have of him trying to crawl away to his books or toys. I can’t wait to compare month 1 to month 12!


Generation Picture

One of my most cherished pictures I have is a generation picture of four generations of my family. I am lucky enough to still have my maternal grandparents so we got a picture of my son’s great-grandparents, grandma, mother and him. I feel so blessed when I look at this picture.


Holiday/Seasonal Pictures






I love dressing my son up for each holiday and getting tons of pictures. This year was our first Christmas with our son so we had a great time and have some priceless pictures. I also love taking pictures during each of the seasons. It just another fun way to take progression pictures.


Smash Cake 

My son hasn’t turned one yet but I am so excited to get pictures of him smashing his first birthday cake. He is going to love destroying it and he hasn’t ever had processed sugar so it should be pretty fun to watch and make for some awesome pictures! Check out my post on how to host a Dr. Suess Oh, the Places You’ll Go! first birthday party.






8 Pictures you need to take of your baby before they turn one.

Pictures you need before you baby turns one. DIY newborn pictures // pictures of you baby // baby picture ideas