Breastfeeding – The First 6 Weeks…

Breastfeeding – The First 6 Weeks…

Breastmilk is incredible. It is a source of food that is the perfect mix of what your specific baby needs. It is always available when our baby is hungry and it is free! Breastfeeding can be a great bonding experience but… it can also suck. Now I’m not trying to scare you off of breastfeeding but I also don’t want to pretend it is the easiest and most natural thing you will ever experience. Because I hate to be the bearer of bad news but breastfeeding doesn’t just come naturally to the mother or the baby. You have to learn how to do it together. But, some good news, typically if you stick it out for at least 6 weeks it gets a lot easier.

But during those first 6 weeks, it’s not fun. It can be painful and stressful. Just know that you’re not alone. Tons of mother struggle with breastfeeding. If you are struggling look for a lactation consultant near you or ask your OBGYN/midwife/doula/etc. And, if breastfeeding isn’t for you for personal or health reason that’s okay because fed is best! Science is an amazing thing the formula on the market is awesome.

Here are a couple of products that I found that helped ease a lot of the discomfort.


First – Nipple Sheilds (I know maybe TMI but hey this is a breastfeeding post there is bound to be a little TMI)

When I saw a lactation consultant she gave me a nipple shield to help ease the pain and oh my goodness did it! It was seriously a godsend. If you are struggling with painful breastfeeding and haven’t had a chance to try one of these do yourself a favor and try one ASAP! It literally changed my life while I was breastfeeding.

Second – a comfortable & properly fitting nursing bra.

I tried so many different bras from off-brand to Target brand to random websites. But, the only bras I ended up wearing were the Medela Nursing bras. They are soooo comfortable, no underwire and have clips for easy removal when you need to breastfeed. I wish I wouldn’t have wasted a bunch of money on cheaper bras that I never wore and used that towards a few more Medela bras. The fabric is really comfortable and soft, which in the beginning of breastfeeding is so important. You will be sore!

Third – Medela lanolin cream

I had bought a different brand of nipple cream before my baby was born for “just in case” (ha! Oh naive silly pre-mom self). I was given a sample of the Medela cream in the hospital and I looooved it. The other stuff I bought felt really thick and I ended up hating it. The Medela cream was really smooth and a little went a long way. (I promise I’m not a Medela spokesperson). Also, my lactation consultant choose this kind because it is safe to wear even while the baby is nursing!


Fourth – Comfortable Nursing Clothes

I tried a bunch of different nursing tops. They either didn’t fit me right or I felt like they looked like a nursing top. Until I found these Old Navy half button-up really comfortable shirts that I basically lived in while I was breastfeeding. They are cute and don’t look like nursing tops but they had enough buttons for easy access when I needed it and I loved them! And, unless I left the house I lived in leggings and these shirts. And, let’s be honest even when I left the house I wore leggings sometimes. Even now when I am done breastfeeding I still wear these shirts.

Fifth – Snacks & Water

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. Have stockpiles of your favorite snacks and water bottles next to your bed, in the nursery, etc. anywhere you will breastfeed in your home (and add some to the diaper bag). It is insane how thirsty and hungry you get when you breastfeed. Plus, breastmilk is something like 80% or more water so you should drink a lot of it! I drank at least one full water bottle every time I breastfed (or pumped). (You’ll hear more about the importance of water for breastmilk in my upcoming post on how to build a stockpile of frozen breastmilk).


Breastfeeding - How to get through the first 6 weeks.

Breastfeeding-How to get through the first 6 weeks. Tips, tricks, amazing products, and advice from a mom who has been there. Breastfeeding // breastfeeding tips // breastfeeding // breastfeeding diet // breastfeeding first month // breastfeeding first days // breastfeeding first time mom // breastfeeding tips